Where your money goes

One of our main goals is to help the children to feel safer because if they feel safe that is a base level to start from, that’s a foundation. If they don’t feel safe then we have nothing to work with.

We are only able to fund expansion and development of our services and build new homes with donations and trust fundraising support. 

Every new bed we build is sustained by fees from statutory sources allowing us to take more children who most need our help and who would remain severely at risk without our intervention. 

Recent Fundraising Highlights

Oakwood House Development

We have recently opened a fifth therapeutic community for up to four severely traumatised children and young people aged 13-18, adjacent to our existing Kent campus. Such developments are made possible thanks only to our generous benefactors.

There are currently over 73,000 children in care. We are determined to continue to expand in order to meet the increasing demand for our unique services.

Greenfields House Playroom

Greenfields House in Kent, home to up to 10 children aged 5-11, requires additional recreational space. Thanks to the stellar fundraising efforts of our Kent Friends Committee, we are going to be transforming an existing admin office into a new calming, therapeutically designed rescreational space for the young residents there.

Placement Family Support

Thanks to a successful Big Give Christmas Challenge campaign, as well as a multi year grant from the Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust, we have recently appointed a dedicated Placement Family Support worker in Greenfields House.

Our Placement Family Support service works closely with family members of the children referred to us to facilitate their relationships, and to repair them if they are damaging to the children. Ideally, we would like a dedicated PFS worker in each community and we are currently recruiting at Oakwood House in Kent and Merrywood House in Norfolk. This service is not covered by Local Authority fees.

Trips and Holidays

We continuously seek voluntary contributions to support the cost of holidays, visits to the theater and camping trips. Thanks to the generosity of a local benefactor, children at one of our communities recently visited Lapland.  These experiences are particularly valued and appreciated by the children who may never have been on holiday before.

The children’s needs

When they come to us, children’s earlier life trauma is expressed through self-harm and disturbed and violent behaviours which communicate their distress.  Children may also destroy things in the homes as a way of expressing being uncomfortable with having bedrooms and possessions of their own.  Quite simply they may believe they are not worthy.  These events necessitate repair and replacement.  Wear and tear in all our homes is extremely high and expensive.

We have historically and necessarily kept a low profile to safeguard and protect the identity of the children who entrust their care and wellbeing to us. This makes our fundraising particularly challenging and we are so grateful to those who give so generously to support our work.

If you would like to support any of these projects or for more information please contact Clara, our Head of Fundraising on: